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Mohammed Tesemma

                                            Associate Professor of Mathematics


Office: Tapley 309
Ext. 5840
Po.Box. 376


  •      Ph.D. — Temple University, Philadelphia, USA.
  •      Grad. Diploma (=M.S.) —  International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy.
  •      B.S. — Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.

Courses Taught:

I taught a wide range of math courses here at Spelman. Some of them include Abstract algebra, Real variables,  Topology, Complex variables, Senior seminar, Calculus, Foundations of math, Linear algebra, Precalculus.

Research Interests: My interested broadly in algebra, specifically on computational commutative algebra and ordered algebraic structures.

Recent publications:

  • A topological structure on certain initial algebras., (with Anderson S, Smith A, Stewart P, and Usatine J.) Submitted for publication.
  • Intersection of rational parameterized plane curves. , (with H. Wang) European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 7 (2014)  191 – 200.
  • Inversion of rational surfaces parameterizable by quadratics. , (with H. Wang) International Electronic Journal of Algebra 13 (2013)  69-75.


